An Essential Piece of Equipment for Athletes

As an athlete, protecting your body from injury is a top priority. Whether you’re playing contact sports or engaging in high-impact activities, you’re always at risk of sustaining an injury. However, you might not realize that your teeth and mouth are also at risk during athletic activities. With that in mind, using a mouth guard can be a crucial step in protecting your oral health.

A mouth guard is a dental device worn over your teeth to protect them from damage, particularly during high-impact sports or activities. This device is typically made of plastic and is custom designed by your dentist to fit over your top teeth. It provides a cushioning effect that helps absorb the force of any impact, reducing the risk of dental injury.

And, we’ve got good news …
At Bland Family Dentistry, we have integrated a state-of-the-art scanner for taking impressions for custom mouth guards. That means no more impression trays filled with gooey material. Our process is quick and easy!

There are several reasons why using a mouth guard is important for athletes:

Preventing Teeth Damage
Contact sports like football, ice hockey, soccer and basketball come with a high risk of teeth injuries. During these games, players are often subjected to unintentional blows to the face or jaw by opponents. Such an impact can cause tooth damage, which may lead to tooth loss, jaw injuries, and other dental issues. With a mouth guard in place, the force from any impact is distributed evenly, reducing the risk of damage.

Improving Breathing and Reducing Stress
Many athletes have the habit of clenching their jaw and grinding their teeth when they are under stress or tension. This habit can lead to facial pain, headaches, and soreness in the jaw. Wearing a mouth guard can help reduce muscle tension in your jaw and face, reducing the risk of such problems.

Saving Money and Time
Dental injuries can be expensive to fix, and athletes might need to take a break from their training or games to recover fully. With a mouth guard, you can save yourself money and time by preventing dental injuries from happening in the first place.

In conclusion, a mouth guard is an essential piece of equipment for any athlete. It helps prevent teeth and jaw injuries, reduces muscle tension, and saves money and time. Whether you play contact sports or just want to protect your teeth and jaw while engaging in high-impact physical
activities, investing in a mouth guard is a wise decision.

Please reach out to any of our team members for more information on mouth guards, or to schedule an appointment.